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Our Case Study

We have outlined numerous questions explaining the pricing structure as below. We will however start with case studies which will help you choose the package best suits your need.

Case Study 1

Simon is full time employed and has a part time business set up aside providing IT consultancy services, earning under the VAT threshold of £85,000 per year. Simon usually sends 1-2 invoices per months to its clients and have occasional other expenses, which are in a region of 3-4 per month.

The best package for Simon in this case will be Bronze package because he will pay £348 per year for the company services. The employment income is taxed at source so he will not be required to file the self-assessment.

Case Study 2

Simon from case study 1, decides to withdraw quarterly dividends from his consultancy business, which means that he will be required to file the self-assessment. Simon will pay the usual £348 for his business but will also need to pay £240 plus VAT for self-assessment, a total of which will be £588.

Case Study 3

Bernadette runs a successful media business with a turnover of £85K to £100K per year. She does not have any staff but takes wages from her own business plus the dividends. Her monthly transactions are under 5 every month.

Bernadette will be better off to be under silver package. Although her transactions are under 5 per month but if she was under Bronze package than she would require extra services such as directors payroll, VAT and self-assessment declaring 2 sources of income and would end up paying £79 plus VAT per month when the silver package providing the same or more is £69 plus VAT per month.

Case Study 4

The same Bernadette from case study 3 decides to hire 4 employees and will end up paying £89 plus VAT per month under silver package, which is still cheaper than the gold package. If her staff is over the pension threshold than she may require the auto enrolment services, which will make silver package to be more expensive. Plus the gold package has numerous other added bonuses which may better suit a business like Bernadette.

It is not possible for us to cover every scenario but we hope that if the case studies above did not help you with the decision than the FAQ’ below will. If you are still unsure than feel free to provide us with the information and we will help you decide on the option best suits your needs.

Q. If I opt for Bronze package but my transactions increase from 5 to 6 than will I charged extra?

A. We understand that there may be some months where the transactions may surpass the required threshold. The occasional increase of transactions to from 6-10 will still keep you on Bronze package. The occasional increase is a maximum of 3 months every year. If your transactions surpass more than 3 months than you will be informed to be switched to the silver package.

Q. The silver package appears to be most cost effective package. What is the point of Bronze package?

A. According to our experience, there are thousands of businesses who only require basic accounts and tax services and it will be unfair for them to be paying more if they only require services such as accounts preparation and CT600 submissions.

Q. Can you please let us know which package applies the most to which businesses as per your experience?

A. Absolutely, Bronze package is aimed for businesses that are under the VAT threshold, does not have any employees, and requires accounts preparation and CT600 submissions and one self-assessment per year.

Silver package will apply to majority of small owner managed businesses who are possibly over the VAT threshold, requires the directors only payroll, needs more hands on advice on how to grow the business plus the other services included under Bronze package.

Golden package will apply to business that will most certainly be over the VAT threshold, employ more staff than just the director only, requires regular discussions with their accountants and have more complicated business affairs which may be prone to HMRC investigations

Q. What does source of income means for self-assessment?

A. The different sources of income that may need to go on self-assessment if you are required to be registered for self-assessment are:
1. Employment income
2. Dividend Income
3. Interest income
4. Rental Income
5. We have outlined the usual sources and there may be more according to your circumstances.

So let’s say that you are under silver package and withdraw employment income and dividends from your company than this will be included in your package.

Similarly, if you are under gold package and withdraw employment income, dividend income and have rental income than this will be included in your package.

Q. If I am on a silver package and have 3 sources of income, when only 2 are included for self-assessment than what would be the extra charges?

A. Under silver package, you will only pay £5 per month extra for any extra source of income covered under your package

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